#1 Deliveries
topIn this tab it is possible to insert materials that have to be delivered to the subcontractor. They can be automatically inserted through the “Execution from Order” procedure, described in the previous paragraph, or manually by the user.
This tab consists of a grid and other 2 “subtabs”, called “Materials Data” and “Lots/SN”.
The columns in the grid are the following:
- Order/Year Subc.: through this column it is possible to view the subcontractor order number and year from which the item line has been taken. If the line has been manually inserted this column will be free
- Estimated Delivery Date: through this column it is possible to view the estimated delivery date of material, taked from “Materials to be Delivered” tab of the subcontractor order from which the delivery note item line has been generated
- Estimated Return: in this column it is possible to view the estimated return date of finished product that will be realized by subcontractor using the delivery material of “Items to be Produced” tab of the subcontractor order from which the delivery note item line has been generated
- Line No.: in this column it is possible to view a simple progressive number of document line that can be edited by user
- Class/Item Code/Variant/Item Description/Variant Description: in these columns it is possible to view class, code, description, variant code and description of item inserted into the Delivery Note
- UM: through this column it is possible to view the operational unit of measure of item in delivery
- Option: through this column it is possible to view the item line option
- Phase / Subphase: through these columns it is possible to view phase code and subphase code of the production order phase to which item is linked; this occurs in case that the subcontractor order, from which this delivery note line has been created, has been generated by an external phase of a production order
- Quantity to be delivered: through this column it is possible to view the quantity, that the user wants to deliver to the subcontractor. This quantity can also be edited by the same user.
- Pickup Warehouse: through this column it is possible to view the warehouse code from which goods can be taken in order to be delivered to the subcontractor. The warehouse code is the same as the one set in the “Materials to Be Delivered” tab line of the subcontractor order from which the delivery note line has been generated, but it can be edited by user. On the contracry if the “Consider Warehouses according to the DN type” flag in Subcontractor Parameters is active, the proposed warehouse will be the one set into “Sales Delivery Note Types” table in the specific “Warehouse” column
- Pickup Template: through this column it is possible to view the warehouse template code that will be used in order to perform the pickup from warehouse from which it is necessary to release goods to be delivered to the subcontractor. The warehouse template code is the same as the one set in “Materials to Be Delivered” tab line of the subcontractor order from which the delivery note line has been generated, but it can be edited by the user. On the contrary if the “Consider Warehouses according to the DN type” flag in Subcontractor Parameters is active, the proposed warehouse will be the one set into “Sales Delivery Note Types” table in the specific “Template” column
- Unit Price: through this column it is possible to insert the item unit price. It is a not obligatory column that can be edited by user
- Value: through this column it is possible to view the total value of line that user is delivering. This column can be viewed and corresponds to the multiplication of values both of Quantity to Be Delivered column and Unit Price column
- VAT: through this column the user can insert the VAT code, or view it automatically as proposed by the procedure that takes it by the subcontractor register or item register in line, according to the situations. The combo box takes from the “VAT rate” table that is located in “General Settings”
- Turnover Type: through this column the user can insert the Turnover Type code or view it automatically as proposed by the procedure that takes it from the item register located in line. The combo box takes from “Purchases Turnover Type” table that is located into “Purchase Area Tables”
- Option Description: through this column it is possible to view the option description of item line
- Warehouse Description: through this column it is possible to view the warehouse description inserted into the item line
- Template Description: through this column it is possible to view the warehouse template description inserted into item line
- VAT Description: through this column it is possibel to view the VAT description inserted into the item line
- Invoice Description: through this column it is possible to view the turnover description inserted into the item line
As said before, in this tab there are 2 “subtabs”, within which it is possible to manage information related to the line selected in the grid.
BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013